Sheriff Jim Wilson

Sheriff Jim Wilson

Latest Stories

Sheriff Jim Wilson

Tricking Out Your Carry Gun

Let your experience guide how you set up your defensive pistol.

Think Like A Crook

Figure out your weaknesses before someone else does.

The Basic Defensive Handgun School

Is training really worth it?

Straight Talk: Snub Not the Snub-Nose

Handguns don’t need to be duty size to get the job done.

Sometimes It’s Frustrating

Two different encounters lead to two different outcomes.

Evolution Of A Champion

The .38 Spl. cartridge changed as the world changed.

Check It Out

Put your defensive firearm to the test before reying on it to save a life.

Plan Ahead

A firearm is only one part of an integrated defensive plan.

Let’s Talk Safety

The rules of firearms safety are a lifestyle, and not just a thing for the shooting range. 

Living With Your Defensive Gun–Part II

Your defensive firearm is only useful if it's near you when you need it.

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