Your chosen rifle had better work flawlessly, round after round, magazine after magazine, if you expect to face down the undead hordes eager to munch on your brain pan.
I am not sure I buy that, but I’ll tell you one thing: if they ever get me, they will be wading through a lot of empty cartridge cases to do it. You need to choose your guns carefully, though, because it’s the equipment we carry that will make the difference as to who among us is oblivion-bound.
It’s not the single events we need to worry much about—things like the newly infected undead coming over for lunch with your brain on the menu. For those simple problems, I prefer a shotgun. A good semi-automatic, like my Benelli M2 with a Nordic Components extended magazine, is perfect for settling a visit from a handful of zombies. It’s safer to use around the house, because it doesn’t penetrate walls like a rifle or pistol when using turkey loads with No. 4 shot, which will certainly get the job done.

Quality ammunition, properly function-tested and loaded into sturdy magazines, will help keep you from becoming a zombie snack.
The key is to have guns that run without problems, even when they are smoking hot—ones capable of holding enough ammo in the magazine and able to be reloaded quickly. They have to shoot fast, because when there are a dozen worm-eyed zombies in your living room and more coming through the door, you need speed.

Gear selection has never been more critical than when girding for battle with the rampaging undead.
It’s all a no-brainer for me (pun intended). By far the best rifle choice is an AR-15. The .223 Rem. cartridge is just about perfect for dealing with the undead—if you use a good varmint-style bullet like the 55-grain Nosler Ballistic Tip. I like this bullet because it has a higher ballistic coefficient, so it can also reach out for first-round hits as far as 600 yards.
I prefer the Swarovski Z6i 1-6x24 mm scope with the BRT illuminated ballistic reticle. It was the best optic made for 3-gun competition before the hordes descended. I keep it on 1X for close-range work and keep both eyes open. That lets me keep track of what’s happening and set up for the transition to the next shot. If there is time, I turn on the orange dot, which makes fast-and-furious situations easier to handle. The key is to keep it smooth and never panic. Remember: Smooth is fast, and fast keeps you alive.

To help increase the odds of survival, large magazines like the SureFire MAG5-100 and MAG5-60 provide ample fodder for your AR.
Standard magazines for an AR-15 can hold enough ammo and can be changed in about a second with a little practice. It takes an accurate rifle to make a head shot on a zombie at 300 yards, but the right AR can do it with ease. On the other end of the survival spectrum, it’s a perfect gun for fast, multiple-target engagements. If you set it up right, an AR-15 is the ultimate defense against zombies.
There are a lot of good AR-15 rifles on the market, but to my thinking none are better than those from JP Enterprises. Actually, I use the same JP rifle for shooting zombies that I used to compete in 3-gun matches before the world ended. The requirements are pretty much the same, except now the stakes are significantly higher.

Light up your intended zombie target before you shoot. Having a weaponlight firmly mounted on your rifle ensures you will be able to clearly identify any threat.
I have a SureFire 100-round magazine in the gun, backed by another of the company’s 60-round magazines at the ready. If I burn through those two, my Blackhawk vest has six more 30-round magazines within easy reach. When we are expecting a big party of zombies, I keep another dozen or more 30-round mags in various pockets and belt pouches. Extra ammo does not guarantee I’ll live, but running out guarantees I won’t.
I believe in redundancy and in not trusting even the most-reliable systems, so I always carry at least one pistol. I am a big fan of the .45 ACP, but like I said, zombies are not tough, so I use a 9 mm for the increased capacity such handguns offer.
Guns like the Smith & Wesson M&P or a Glock are very good choices, but I am a bit of a trigger snob. I prefer the light touch of a single-action trigger rather than the longer, stiffer pull of a striker-fired handgun. I find it makes shots a bit easier, particularly at longer range. A head shot on a lumbering zombie at 30-yards requires a higher degree of trigger control. I really like the SIG Sauer P226 X5 series with its light and smooth single-action trigger that helps me to shoot with precision.

I have tried just about every type of 9 mm ammo on the zombies. If nothing else, this apocalypse has provided a target-rich testing ground for bullets. What seems to work best for me is the Speer 124-grain Gold Dot +P. Put one of them in the central-nervous system, and the problem is solved.
I really believe extinction will occur soon, and if I have any say in the matter, it’s not going to be the humans. One thing I know for sure is in the end, it will be the last human standing— not the last zombie. After all, they bring teeth to a gunfight.