We've covered the Winchester Train & Defend series previously, but in a nutshell it's ammunition crafted to the same exacting specifications whether for practice (the "train") or self-defense ("defend").
The .38 Spl. variant for T&D features a 130-grain bullet, either a flat-nose FMJ for training or a JHP for defense. The training rounds are brass-cased and the defensive rounds have nickle-plated cases to further distinguish the two types of ammunition.
It is interesting to see Winchester chose a 130-grain bullet for this ammunition. One of the design parameters of the Train & Defend series is low recoil, so it is interesting to see the choice of 130-grain as opposed to a lighter load like 110-grain. If I were a betting man, I'd say Winchester opted for a weight somewhere between the ultra-light 110-grain and the heavy, more recoil-causing 158-grain standard.
MSRP: $25 (Train, 50-round box); $23 (Defend, 20-round box).