The new Super Sentinel from Wilson Combat is the most concealable .38 Super automatic pistol on the market today. Outfitted with cutting edge custom options for enhanced operation and shooting comfort, our gunsmiths have tuned the Super Sentinel to be a totally reliable and potent pocket pistol choice. Loaded with quality defensive .38 Super ammunition, the Super Sentinel generates .357 Mag.-level energy with every shot and exceeds the power of +P+ 9 mm rounds with the famed reliability and match grade accuracy of the .38 Super cartridge.
Caliber: .38 Super
Magazine Capacity: 8 rounds
Barrel Length: 3.6 inches
Overall Length: 7.2 inches
Sight Radius: 5.3 inches
Height: 4.8 inches
Width: 1.3 inches
Weight Empty: 25.2 ounces
Accuracy Guarantee: 1.5 inches at 25 yards
The Super Sentinel retains ballistic superiority over the 9 mm Sentinel and launches a typical defensive load like Wilson COmbat's 115 grain TAC-XP loading at approximately 1,250 fps.