Welcome the Newbies

posted on May 28, 2013
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I don't think anyone was able to predict the huge volume of gun sales during the past six years. People are buying guns and ammo for a variety of reasons beyond the scope of this post, but it would be realistic to assume that a lot of the folks that are buying guns are new to guns, the shooting sports and personal defense.

All anyone really has to do is to visit the local public gun range to realize the truth of this statement. It is the rare trip that you don't see some bizarre gun handling, and even some downright unsafe gun handling. Obviously, unsafe gun handling must be dealt with quickly and firmly, but let's not be too quick to judge. Many of these folks are not mishandling their guns because they don't care; they are mishandling their guns because they don't know any better. It's a classic example of not knowing what they don't know.

And this is the perfect opportunity for veteran shooters to act as ambassadors for our sport. Go over, introduce yourself, and offer to help. We really don't need to ridicule these folks, we need to help them.

The same goes for conversations in the gun shop when the local Armchair Commando is holding forth about what he will do to any crook foolish enough to mess with him. We can help the new folks get a better understanding of the responsibility that goes with owning a gun and using it to protect home and family.

You are the one who can make a difference by helping those folks who are new to guns. Point them toward safe gun handling and realistic personal defense plans. Help them find shooting and gun-safety classes in your area. Oh, and by all means get them signed up for a membership in the National Rifle Association. You'll be glad you did, and they will be, too.


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