They say trouble comes in threes. If that's the case, good news must come in twos. This long two-year project of building my own live-ammo firing "Man From U.N.C.L.E." Special has finally come to an end. And while I haven't had a chance to take photos of the finished product yet, my friends from The Oregon U.N.C.L.E. Group recently came through as well by sending me the latest version of their modular carbine barrel.
Their system screws onto the end of the pistol barrel (just like the TV show prop). What's more, thanks to the presence of it's built-in L.I.D. (linear initerial decoupler) the system functions flawlessly—even after adding the extra weight of my real suppressor. Unfortunately, I couldn't wait to paint the unit in Alumahyde II or even add Paul and Eric's cosmetic U.N.C.L.E.-style handguard before taking it to the range for function testing. Nonetheless, I didn't think you guys would mind seeing videos of the barrel extension with a snazzy two-tone finish.
Enjoy the videos.Special thanks to former NRA employee and fellow White-tail wacker Lloyd Derby for serving as my camera man.
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