Okay, so you're right in the middle of a good cry during "The Bridges of Madison County" and some bad guy has the nerve to attempt to break into your house. Rather than dash over to the gun safe in the corner, though, you continue to reach for a tissue...
Except it's no standard tissue box, it's the Issue Box from Tactical Walls. Removing the sturdy polymer housing reveals a hidden section where a small-frame handgun nests securely in foam padding. There's even enough room for a spare magazine.

It's not a safe, but Tactical Walls doesn't claim it to be. Rather, it's "hide-in-plain-sight" storage, where everyday items like clocks, lamps and, yes, even tissue boxes can conceal a self-defense firearm. Instead of an obvious steel box in a corner, the Issue Box blends into the decor and presents an innocuous, everyday item rather than firearm storage.
For the security-minded, having a place to store a firearm within arm's reach without looking like something out of "The Expendables" is invaluable. The folks at Tactical Walls have come up with a number of novel, innovative ways to keep a firearm handy without being obvious.
MSRP: $49.