Tacprogear (TPG), manufacturer of tactical equipment used by professionals around the globe, will be launching several new product lines at the SHOT Show at the Sands Expo in Las Vegas, Nevada, January 20 - 23, 2015.
Tacprogear, at SHOT Booth 20055 will be highlighting a new Tacprogear Medical line featuring trauma and first aid bags and packs, including fully customizable and made to order medical kits. Tacprogear will also unveil their new line of hand held illumination tools from a pocket sized mini to the Beacon at 980 Lumens of bright white light.
The new footwear line of Quick Reaction Force boots with a custom design in both 6-inch and 8-inch will be on view. The highlight of the show is sure to be Tacprogear Tactical Luxury line, combining tactical tough products with luxury materials for the operator who doesn't want to look the part while on the go.
The Tacprogear Black line of American made products for law enforcement, security and the military include their helmet line, the NIJ Standard 0101.06 Level IIIA soft body armor, the Citadel Series of body armor, HBAV Grid-Hercules vest and BONZ plate carrier, as well as many other mission specific carriers and vests.
For more information on any of the Tacprogear product line, visit www.tacprogear.com or www.tpgblack.com.