We’re halfway through our 2,000 round testing of the Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Compact, and still nothing to report in the way of ammunition-related malfunctions. We have put exactly 1,004 rounds of FMJ, JHP and other projectiles through the Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Compact, with exactly zero failures. We are 500 rounds into the fixed rear sight and are happy to report that the extremely easy fix of re-tightening the setscrew with Loctite is holding up perfectly.
As in previous range sessions, three different ammunition types made the trip to the range. First up was MagTech’s 124-grain lead roundnose ammunition, which threw up an impressive cloud of smoke, but performed just fine, with no malfunctions over 100 rounds. On a side note, as it is a lead bullet, take extra care to wash up when finished shooting, but otherwise it makes excellent practice ammunition. I wish I’d been aware of this years ago, when I belonged to a gun club that, owing to the construction of the indoor range, mandated lead projectiles only. It would have been great fodder for practice through the winter.
We had some fun with the Speer Lawman RHT 100-grain frangible ammunition. Thanks to the folks at Viking Solutions and the company’s Complete Target System, we were able to shoot steel even on our indoor range with the frangible Speer. No failures of any kind were experienced over 100 rounds of the proprietary frangible fodder, and the audible feedback of the round impacting steel was a welcome difference from just punching holes in paper.
Lastly, Hornady’s 124-grain +P Critical Duty Flexlock round brings the round count to 1,004 (The NOVX ammo from the last update comes in 26-round packages). Designed for use in full- and/or duty-size handguns, the Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Compact certainly fits that description with a 4-inch barrel. No failures of any type were experienced with the Hornady Critical Duty.
As we’re at the halfway mark, let’s recap the ammunition tested so far:
SIG Sauer 147-grain V-Crown: 50 rounds
NOVX 65-grain +P ARX: 104 rounds
Hornady 124-grain +P Critical Duty Flexlock: 150 rounds
Federal Premium 115-grain VHP: 100 rounds
Sellier & Bellot 115-grain FMJ: 100 rounds
Winchester 115-grain FMJ: 100 rounds
Aguila 115-grain FMJ: 100 rounds
Browning 147-grain BXP: 100 rounds
Speer Lawman RHT 100-grain frangible: 100 rounds
Magtech 124-grain LRN: 100 rounds
The Smith & Wesson M&P M2.0 Compact has not been cleaned or lubricated, and has only had the rear sight re-zeroed as part of this testing. After 500 rounds since the rear sight was re-installed, no further sight drift has been observed.
Stay tuned for more updates as we work our way through the second half of testing.