Savage Arms added 6.5 Creedmoor to nine rifle models in its AXIS and AXIS II lineups, noting the growing popularity of the 6.5 Creedmoor as a hunting cartridge. The 6.5 Creedmoor offers a flat-shooting trajectory and high velocities from a short action, and it also offers less felt recoil to the shooter.
Several of the rifle options included in the new chambering are budget-priced entry-level guns that are available for less than $500. Models available in the new chambering are the Model 16 Lightweight Hunter, AXIS, AXIS LH, AXIS XP, AXIS XP Stainless, AXIS II XP, AXIS II XP Stainless and. AXIS II XP Hardwood. Retail prices range from $368 for the 6.5 Creedmoor AXIS all the way up to $752 for the Model 16 Lightweight Hunter.
Several of the rifle options included in the new chambering are budget-priced entry-level guns that are available for less than $500. Models available in the new chambering are the Model 16 Lightweight Hunter, AXIS, AXIS LH, AXIS XP, AXIS XP Stainless, AXIS II XP, AXIS II XP Stainless and. AXIS II XP Hardwood. Retail prices range from $368 for the 6.5 Creedmoor AXIS all the way up to $752 for the Model 16 Lightweight Hunter.