by Bryce M. Towsley posted on April 15, 2011 Guns Support NRA Shooting Illustrated DONATE By selecting the right aftermarket gear, you can change a dust-collecting and old hunting rifle into a modern-day diva. In this article .300 Win. Mag., Blackhawk, Nikon, Remington, Timney, Weaver Related Stories Remington 700 Sendero Tactical Makeover Remington 700 Upgrade: Why We Chose Grayboe Remington Ammo Recall Watch: SIG Sauer Match-Grade Ammunition Drake Associates Stalker .300 Win. Mag. Most Popular Firearms Vs. Shotguns Black Swans, Severity and Probability First Look: Canik Mete MC9 Prime First Look: New Pistols From Rost Martin Straight Talk: Snub Not the Snub-Nose First Look: Springfield Armory Saint Victor 9mm Pistol