A. In addition to its magnetic base and stowable hook, the Streamlight Beartrap clamps virtually anywhere, allowing users to inspect, identify and repair with hands-free lighting. Its body is capable of standing on its own and can project light 270 degrees. The high-output LED bulbs feature six output modes, making it a great option for both everyday use and when there’s no power available. MSRP: $240; streamlight.com
B. Available in 2- or 5-gallon sizes, the 5ive Star Gear Collapsible Water Bag is constructed from heavyweight BPA-free PVC. It stores water safely and securely in a fully collapsible container that is compact and easy to transport, thanks to a convenient handle. A spigot incorporates a leak-free on/off feature that is easy to use in an emergency. MSRP: $5.95; 5ivestargear.com
C. The Eton American Red Cross FRX3+ Self-Powered Weather Alert Radio receives standard AM/FM stations as well as all seven NOAA/Environment Canada weather bands. Its integral hand-turbine crank and solar-power cell help the FRX3+ recharge cell phones through its USB port and serve as a connection to the outside world, without the need for on-grid electrical service to be operational. An alert function broadcasts emergency weather alerts, while its long-lasting LED flashlight, red LED flashing beacon and glow-in-the-dark locator offer peace of mind when the lights go out. MSRP: $59.99; etoncorp.com
D. Small enough to attach to a keychain, the NukAlert 24/7 Radiation Monitor and Alarm is your personal radiation meter, monitor and alert system. It operates non-stop and will promptly warn you of the presence of unseen, but acutely dangerous levels of radioactive fallout. Up to 10 alarm “chirps” correspond to a calibration chart on the back of the device that helps users determine how long they can safely remain in an area based on radiation levels. MSRP: $160; nukalert.com