Bill Cosby is the most recent entertainer to jump on the anti-gun bandwagon. In a recent interview, he said, essentially, that if people have guns they are going to use them. Then he goes on to admit that he has a gun and keeps it for the purpose of protecting his family. It would appear he considers himself some sort of American royalty, immune from such prohibitions, and his remarks are really aimed at all of us commoners.
When did we reach the point that entertainers and sports personalities decided that we would benefit from their wisdom? What training do they have in self-defense issues? You might say they are just expressing their opinion, as all Americans are free to do. In a sense that is true, but when the guy who runs your corner gas station expresses himself, it is rarely in front of several TV cameras. So the media must also share the blame for this monumental waste of our time.
Personally, I would love to know how many other anti-gun entertainers, personalities and politicians keep guns for their personal protection. And we might also ask how many of them employ armed bodyguards. It would appear they are somebody, and are, therefore, qualified to privileges that should not be allowed to the common masses.
Mr. Cosby's comments were about a criminal investigation taking place miles from where the entertainer lives. Nor is there any indication that Mr. Cosby has any personal involvement in the case, or personal knowledge about it. I would suggest to Mr. Cosby that the people, the police and the courts of that state are perfectly capable of conducting an investigation and seeing that justice is done.
Bill Cosby has the magnificent ability to entertain us. He should keep that in mind and stick to what he is good at.
There! I'm done ranting and feel better for it. I hope you do, too.