As firearms continue to sell at record pace, manufacturers are struggling to keep up with demand for existing models. Nonetheless, innovation continues. We are seeing introductions of MRDS-ready, striker-fired, polymer-frame pistols, including higher-capacity micro-9s. Also hitting the market with some frequency are large-format pistols in both rifle and pistol calibers. And, of course, super-premium 1911s continue to be unveiled at the aspirational end of the market.
With alarmed citizens looking to protect themselves, first-time buyers now seem to comprise a larger part of the firearm consumer base. As all guns may be new to them, some old standbys are moving well. So, what’s the market for sophisticated new designs? Long-range rifle competition and the simple fact that one can never have too many guns.

Bergara | B-14R Lefthanded Trainer
The highly accurate B-14R .22 LR is now available in a left-handed model that is ideal for precision-rifle training among seasoned veterans or introductory-level shooters.
▶ Remington 700 footprint
▶ Steel or carbon-fiber barrel
▶ 90-degree bolt throw
▶ Adjustable comb height
Caliber: .22 LR
Magazine Capacity: 10 rounds
Barrel Length: 18 inches
Overall Length: 38 inches
Weight: 8 pounds, 1.6 ounces
MSRP: $1,245
(800) 320-8767 bergarausa.com

Ruger | Custom Shop Precision Rifle
Built for those who strive for long-range accuracy, the latest offering from Ruger’s Custom Shop features TriggerTech bang switch that boasts “frictionless release technology” that provides an exceptionally crisp break, minimal overtravel and an extremely short tactile reset.
▶ Heavy-contour, stainless barrel with APA muzzle brake
▶ Barrier stop in front of mag well
▶ Ambidextrous manual safety
▶ Side-folding stock capable of length-of-pull and comb-height adjustments
Caliber: 6 mm Creedmoor
Magazine Capacity: 10 rounds
Barrel Length: 26 inches
Overall Length: 45.25 to 48.75 inches
Weight: 12 pounds, 12.8 ounces
MSRP: $2,399
(336) 949-5200 ruger.com

Savage Arms | Impulse Predator
Available in four chamberings, the same features that make the Savage impulse ideal for predator hunting such as its straight-pull bolt for fast follow-up shots and detachable-box mag make it suitable for tactical use.
▶ AccuFit stock with adjustable length-of-pull and comb height
▶ Adjustable AccuTrigger
▶ Round knob bolt handle
▶ One-piece 20-MOA optic rail
Caliber: .308 Win.
Magazine Capacity: 10 rounds
Barrel Length: 20 inches
Overall Length: 41.5 inches
Weight: 8 pounds, 11.2 ounces
MSRP: $1,377
(800) 370-0708 savagearms.com

Springfield Armory | 2020 Waypoint
Built like a custom precision rifle, Springfield Armory’s new Waypoint bolt-action is offered in a number of highly accurate long-range chamberings, including the popular 6.5 PRC, and comes with a superb TriggerTech trigger.
▶ Carbon fiber barrel
▶ .75-MOA accuracy guarantee
▶ TriggerTech trigger
▶ Cerakote finish
Caliber: 6.5 PRC
Magazine Capacity: 3 rounds
Barrel Length: 24 inches
Overall Length: 41.5 to 45.5 inches
Weight: 7 pounds, 9.6 ounces
MSRP: $2,399
(800) 680-6866 springfield-armory.com