Since 1871, the National Rifle Association has protected our Second Amendment rights. When Mossy Oak was founded in 1986, it immediately began supporting efforts to preserve the outdoor lifestyle. Now, the two have joined forces, creating a special camouflage to further those missions, appropriately named Overwatch.
It’s an NRA exclusive—with the organization’s logo embedded within—and the result of a multi-year agreement with Mossy Oak. The pattern represents a quantum leap in camouflage, one that was developed entirely in a 3D-modeling environment, a Mossy Oak first. The result provides unmatched detail and terrain features pretty close to reality.
“The NRA is proud to announce this significant partnership with Mossy Oak,” said NRA Publications Executive Director Doug Hamlin. “Like the NRA, Mossy Oak is committed to the preservation of our Second Amendment rights, wildlife conservation and safe and responsible use of firearms.”
Since 1986, Mossy Oak has been a long-time partner of organizations that seek to defend attacks against the outdoor lifestyle and effective conservation.
“The NRA is the leader in preserving the opportunities we have as conservationists, hunters and law-abiding citizens with the right to keep and bear arms,” said Toxey Haas, founder and CEO of the company. Noting that we’re living at a time when those things are facing their greatest challenges in history, he added, “That is why it is with great honor and excitement we are uniting with the NRA, so we can lay down our heads at night knowing that we are doing everything we can to carry out our mission to help people live their best life outdoors for years to come.”
Overwatch was officially unveiled during the SHOT Show in January 2019. NRA President LtCol Oliver North, USMC (Ret.) told the crowd assembled at the event, “I just want to thank all of you for investing in keeping the Second Amendment alive and advancing the shooting sports. I’m pretty sure every one of my 17 grandkids will have Mossy Oak.”
“We take great pride in our commitment to organizations that work around the clock to protect our resources and our rights,” said Bill Sugg, Mossy Oak president. “The NRA works hard to provide leadership in myriad ways to preserve and conserve for generations to come. Our entire Mossy Oak Family is appreciative of the opportunity to work more closely with the NRA in its efforts to not only protect our constitutional rights as American citizens, but to work on behalf of hunters everywhere to preserve our rights to enjoy the great outdoors.”
A variety of products featuring the Overwatch pattern will be available this year.