For any number of reasons, some folks prefer to carry less-lethal means of self-defense. They may reside in "May Issue" states and cannot get a carry permit, their job may not permit firearms on site or the reason may be personal.
Kimber's Pepper Blaster II is one way some of those folks can provide for self-defense. With a 10-percent oleoresin capsicum spray with a 4-million SHU (Scoville Heat Unit; for reference, a standard jalapeno has about 10,000 JHU and a habanero has 100,000 JHU...), the Pepper Blaster II offers two blasts of of the fluid leaving the device at 90 MPH. It is capable of effective stops at up to 13 feet.
The blast leaves a potential attacker affected for 45 to 60 minutes, and the manufacturer claims no blowback or drifting (sorry, folks, we weren't about to test this one out on ourselves...). While it's not as effective as a firearm for self-defense, it beats harsh language or a pointed stick. If unable for whatever reason to avail yourself of a firearm, it's worth looking into.
Please note: Some jurisdicitions, like Massachusetts, require a permit to own pepper spray.
MSRP: $39.95.