Is It Right For You?

There are many different kinds of pistols out there, and what’s right for one person might not be right for you.

posted on April 29, 2023
Sheriff Jim Wilson

When doing gun reviews, the duty of the gun writer is to be as objective as possible. My personal opinions are not as important as an honest report on the gun’s quality of manufacture, accuracy, form and function. You, the consumer, on the other hand, should approach the same gun from a very subjective position. Let me give you an example.

As a young peace officer I carried a Smith & Wesson 4-inch Model 19. It was a good gun and I liked  it. However, several of the best marksmen in our department shot Colt Pythons. Naturally, I had to try one and bought a Python at the earliest opportunity. With no better idea, I chose to shoot the Colt on our standard department qualification course. After shooting the course several times, over a period of weeks, I came to the conclusion that the Python was not for me.

The Colt, being a slightly larger frame that the S&W, just did not fit my hand as well. I also had trouble with the way the DA trigger stacked prior to the sear being released. And, finally, I found the gun a bit more difficult to conceal for off-duty carry. 

Now, to be very clear, the Colt Python is, and was, a fine revolver. But, based upon my subjective evaluation, it just didn’t suit me as well as the Model 19. And that certainly doesn’t mean that it isn’t well suited for other shooters. By the way, the Colt being a quality piece of work, I was easily able to trade it off for other stuff, including my first every 2½-inch Model 19.

It is an excellent idea for the consumer to establish a uniform method of evaluating new guns. I suggest developing a standard shooting drill by which all guns are evaluated. This drill should involve shooting from very close to the target and on out to at least 25 yards. It should involve precision shooting to test accuracy and speed shooting to determine suitability for personal defense. With each gun being put to the same test, it is much easier to determine the one that suits you best. 

Just as I had to find out for myself about a suitable revolver, I can’t possibly tell you which gun is best suited for you. I can tell you which guns are well made. I can give you an ideas of the potential accuracy. But, you have to decide for yourself which ones are best suited for your particular needs and preferences. That requires trips to the range and putting lead in the air. And that’s also a fun day, so there really isn’t a downside. Good shooting!


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