In an emergency, there may not be time to collect all the necessary gear, and that's when bug-out bags really shine. Sure, you can keep all your camping and survival gear next to the door and hope panicked criminals don't spot your kit and try to take it while you're loading up the SUV. You will have everything you need, if you can pack fast enough, but you'd better be prepared to defend it on moving day.
If you prefer a more low-key approach to your bug-out plan, the Exodus packs are easily transportable on your person without drawing undue attention. The Exodus system includes three emergency configurations: waist pack, attaché bag and a day pack. All look like bags carried by civilians every day, but what's inside makes them anything but ordinary.
Each Exodus bag contains some sort of satellite communications device, whether it be a compact SPOT GPS satellite messenger in the waist pack or a satellite telephone with a solar charging system in the day pack. You'll also find collapsible water bottles with built-in water treatment and filtration systems in every bag.
Other essentials include at least two light sources, a first-aid kit with over-the-counter medications, emergency tools and signaling devices, a mylar blanket and 550 cord. The attaché bag and day pack also come with an AM/FM/shortwave radio. Everything is contained within waterproof packaging.
ICE Pack is working with at least one firearms company to add a subcompact handgun to the Exodus system. With this addition, the attaché bag or day pack would offer the ultimate grab-and-go solution to disaster.