Whether you're looking to secure a handgun to keep it away from the prying hands of those who shouldn't be touching it or simply to protect your investment, a small handgun safe is a good idea. When you use it is up to you, of course; the how generally consists of locking up your gun when you relinquish it from your control.
With Hornady's Rapid Safe, accessing your firearm has never been simpler or had more options available. Three separate RFID-enabled methods are possible: A bracelet you wear, a key fob you put on your keychain or a card you keep in your wallet all contain the necessary hardware to open the electronic lock.
Don't like relying on RFID-enabled devices? No problem, just punch in the four-digit code and voila! Worried your battery might go dead? Never fear, you can plug the safe into a standard wall outlet for constant power. If you're concerned about power outages occurring while the batteries are dead, a simple key will also open the safe.
Once unlocked, the safe opens so your handgun, safely tucked between generous sections of foam, is presented for immediate use. Sixteen-gauge steel and dual locking lugs keep the safe closed, while a security cable allows the safe to be tethered to a bed frame, the underside of a car seat or the inside of a trunk.
MSRP: $275.20.