Very few people actually enjoy cleaning a firearm. Oh, sure, there's a good feeling of accomplishment when you're all done and the gun is shiny clean, but getting there generally involves dragging out the box 'o' cleaning supplies, a bunch of patches and brushes and a fair amount of elbow grease.
Why not make it easier?
Hoppes offers its 1-2-3 Done cleaning kits for rifles, pistols and shotguns. Each kit contains a small bottle of Hoppes #9 bore cleaner, a bottle of lubricating oil and a caliber-specific boresnake. Add cleaner to the brush part of the boresnake, run it through the barrel, then follow up with oil placed on the tail of the boresnake. For all but the most serious fouling, this should do it in a fraction of the time.
MSRP: $26.45.
Available for .22 LR, 9 mm, .40 S&W and .45 ACP for pistol calibers; .223 Rem. and .30-caliber for rifles; and 12- and 20-gauge for shotguns.