One of the more overlooked but critical components of everyday carry gear is the belt. When the weight of a loaded defensive pistol, holster, spare magazine and other daily items (cell phone, flashlight, etc.) are tallied up, it's quite possible to be carrying around 3 to 5 pounds of gear day-in, day-out. That might not sound like much, until you're trying to heft it around on a $15 dress belt from MegaMart.
Enter the High Threat Concealment (HTC) Low Pro Belt. It's designed as either a stand-alone duty belt or as part of a complete gear-carrying system when paired with an underbelt. On its own, it's a hybrid belt with leather in front and nylon in rear, with the leather component 1.5 inches wide and the nylon 1.75 inches wide.
Paired with the (separate) underbelt, the Low Pro can be used in conjunction with the Low Profile System for holster, mag pouches, blow-out kit and radio. On its own, it will carry a holster and spare magazine holder all day long with ease. As an added bonus, the buckle is removable with two snaps, which makes adding a magazine carrier much easier than taking the whole belt off (Just don't put the buckle back on backwards. Don't ask me how I know this...)
MSRP: $100. Available in black and dark brown (shown) and in sizes from Small (30- to 34-inch waist) to X-Large (42- to 46-inch waist).