If you own a sound suppressor for your firearm, you know what a challenge it can be to find subsonic ammunition that functions properly while still maintaining subsonic velocities. Why not look to a suppressor manufacturer for the perfect ammunition?
Gemtech offers .22 LR and .300 AAC Blackout rounds custom-tuned for suppressed firearms. The company claims the .22 LR offering will function in suppressed handguns and rifles, and the .300 BLK functions in 8-inch SBRs through full-length bolt-action rifle barrels. Both offerings are designed to operate subsonically, with the .300 BLK claiming a velocity of 1,050 fps and the .22 LR a velocity of 1,020 fps.
Should you wish to load your own subsonic ammunition, Gemtech offers cleaned and de-primed brass for .300 BLK. There are "sample packs" of both the ammunition and the cleaned brass available for those looking to try either the ammunition or the reloading supplies.
.300 AAC Blackout, 20-round box: $21.95
.300 AAC Blackout, 5-round sample pack: $3
.300 AAC Blackout, brass sample pack: $3
.22 LR, 50-round box: $6.49.