FNH USA announced the limited release of its SC-1 over-under sporting competition shotgun, which is the first over-under shotgun sold by FNH USA.
"The FN SC-1 establishes a striking new standard in both performance and appearance that sets it apart from traditional over and under shotguns," said Ken Pfau, senior vice president of law enforcement and commercial sales for FNH USA. "This is a magnificent 12-gauge shotgun that is ready to go out of the box and will definitely turn some heads at the team's upcoming matches."
Today's limited release is for 200 individual guns that were pre-sold prior to production. "This first generation of the SC-1 was designed for a small number of competitors and diehard FN owners," said Pfau. "We were pleasantly surprised by the enormous amount of interest we received from our customers and plans for producing a second generation of the shotgun are already in the works for 2012."
In terms of performance, the FN SC-1 features 28-inch back-bored ported barrels that are fully chrome-lined from chamber to muzzle for long life and added corrosion resistance. The barrels are equipped with Invector-Plus stainless steel extended choke tubes with knurled bands and a blue FN USA Team collar for easy identification. The 10-mm-wide vented top rib has a brass mid-bead and fiber-optic front sight for quick and easy target acquisition.
In terms of appearance, the all-steel low profile receiver is embellished with a combination of brushed silver satin and bright FN USA Team blue. The blue and gray laminated wood stock is fitted with a premium sporting recoil pad, a fully adjustable comb and is checkered and textured for a sure grip under any shooting conditions.
"We are proud of Team FNH USA and are pleased with their winning track record on the national 3-gun shooting scene," said Pfau. "With the introduction of the SC-1, the team will now have an edge over its competition. This is the gun they'll have in their hands when they step to the line on a flying clays layout."