
SOG, one of the more popular brands of knives and outdoor gear, is introducing a new line of a fixed blade knives called the Recondo FX. The fixed-blade Recondo FX traces its roots back to the origins of SOG both in terms of its styling and rugged construction.
SOG opted to use 440C stainless steel for the full-tang blade. The steel is cryogenically treated with a black titanium nitride finish. Four variations of the Recondo FX are offered: two with a plain, or straight, edge and two with a partially serrated edge. All have a clip point, are 4.6 inches in length and are 0.16 inches wide.
The knife has an over-molded grip with a rubberized texture for improved purchase. If your hands get wet, the over-molding will help you grasp the handle and reduce the possibility of slipping no matter what kind of hold you have. You have the option of buying a Recondo FX knife with either a black rubber overmolding or a version with flat dark earth (FDE) as the handle color.
A UMS-compatible sheath, available only in black, is included with the knife. It has an adjustable tension system that does not require any tools to set. The sheath allows for mounting in a variety of positions. Made of Kydex, the sheath should be as durable as the knife.
While the knife is not likely to be part of the Average Joe’s everyday carry, this knife is perfectly suited for anyone whose work wear is in a camouflage pattern. It should also serve hunters and outdoorsmen in a wide range of circumstances. The strength of the design is positioned well for anyone needing strength in a tight spot.
Made in Taiwan, SOG offers the Recondo FX knife at $129.95 and backs it with a lifetime warranty. For additional information on the Recondo FX and the company’s other knives, visit the SOG website at sogknives.com.