With option for carrying up to 12 rounds in the magazine and one in the chamber, the SIG Sauer P365 rewrote the rules of how much ammo a thin, subcompact 9mm can carry.
SIG Sauer is taking it one step further now with the introduction of a new 15-round magazine for the P365, The 15-round magazine uses a patented, double-stack system that is also compatible with the soon-to-be released P365XL.
The P365 15-round magazine gives you an additional five rounds for your P365 pistol, giving you added confidence and control, extra firepower and maximizing your pistol’s versatility. The increased capacity of the new 15-round magazine provides for additional ammunition for everyday carry, longer practice times, fewer reloads and a better, larger grip area for your hands.
The new 15 round magazine ships with an installed baseplate which fits a standard P365 pistol, and comes with an additional baseplate that can be easily installed to all XSERIES P365 models.
Here's a quick rundown to show you how the new 15-round magazine stacks up against the height and capacity when used in a P365 versus the other magazine options for the SIG Sauer P365. The flush-fit magazine that ships with the SIG P365 has a capacity of 10 rounds, and the pistol height with the 10-round magazine installed is 4.3 inches. The 12-round extended magazine initially available for the P365 increased pistol height to 4.7 inches. Now, the new 15-round extended magazine increases that height again to a total of 5.5 inches. For comparison, the height of a Glock G17 Gen 5 with a standard, flush-fit magazine installed is 5.47 inches.
MSRP on the P365 15-round magazine is $49. More information is available sigsauer.com. Read our Handgun editor's review of the SIG Sauer P365 in this article here.