Raven Concealment Systems has just announced a brand new AIWB (appendix-inside-the-waistband) holster in the Signature Series Holster product line, the new Raven Concealment Jake. This new holster will fit all standard 9mm Glock duty size models in addition to all 9mm slimline Glock pistols. In addition, it is available for Staccato P and C series 2011 pistols. The Jake will also be available for the entire SIG Sauer P365 and P320 families of pistols.
This AIWB holster is named after Matt Jaques, a retired police officer and former Marine Corps veteran. Jaques spent most of his military enlistment within HMX-1, The Presidential Helicopter Squadron. He served within the Military Police MOS (Military Occupational Specialty) and continued in Law Enforcement after his enlistment ended. Jaques served with two Virginia Law Enforcement agencies and filled several billets at those agencies. During his tenure, he served assignments as a Basic Academy Recruit Instructor, Field Training Officer, detective within the Special Problem Unit as an undercover detective as well as a founding Special Deputy of the U. S. Marshal Capital Area Fugitive Task Force for the Washington D.C. U.S. Marshal’s Office. Jaques served several years on a large Northern Virginia Police Department SWAT team as an entry team member and later was selected and served as a sniper-team member.
Raven Concealment collaborated with Jaques and his extensive experience to design this new ambidextrous concealment holster. Above all, the Jake is designed for speed of access to the firearm. It uses a claw and a pair of double over hooks to ride on the belt while also having the ability to accept various concealment wedges. These removable parts attach to the holster to best push and hide the gun against the wearer’s body, depending on their size and shape. The Raven Concealment Jake also features full-height body shields on either side to protect the wearer and their clothes,. Raven Concealment is currently accepting pre-orders for the Jake AIWB holster, which has a starting retail price of $125. To learn more, please visit rcsgear.com.