Houston-based company Primary Arms Optics is releasing a new optic, the second generation SLx MD-25 RDS (Red Dot Sight), which makes use of the patented Primary Arms AutoLive illumination technology which extends the optic’s runtime.
The MD-25 is part of Primary Arms Optics SLx product line, which encompasses are rage of shooting optical products. These include traditional style riflescopes, LPVOs (low-power variable optics), full size red dot sights (such as the MD-25) and slide mounted red dot sights. The SLx line is Primary Arms value-based line, and alll products in the SLx optics line can count on the company’s guarantee of quality, further solidifying them as solid buy. Trained Primary Arms Optics staff personally inspect each riflescope for quality and performance at their Houston, TX, headquarters, and every optic in the SLx line also comes with Primary Arms Optics’ comprehensive lifetime warranty.
“With our hugely popular SLx MD-25, we keep hearing one request from our customers: does it have AutoLive? We are excited to answer with our new MD-25 Gen II, now featuring AutoLive technology,” says Stephen Morgan, Director of Product Marketing at Primary Arms Optics. “Customer feedback has always been an essential part of Primary Arms Optics developments, and we are proud to demonstrate that throughout our Odyssey 2023 product releases.”
The second-generation MD-25 had a wider 25mm objective lens, which now incorporates AutoLive illuminator for maximum battery life. and can be had with two reticle choices. Shooters can opt for either a standard 2-MOA red dot or can choose a dot that incorporates the ACSS CQB reticle instead.
The pricing for these second-generation MD-25 red dot sights starts at $150 through $200, for the standard 2 MOA unit and the ACSS CQB reticle version respectively. To see a full list of features, information and specifications on these new red dot sights or to learn more about the SLx product line or other products they sell, please visit primaryarms.com.