Xtech Tactical has just launched a new combination magazine and grip extension for the SIG Sauer P365 family of pistols, called the MTX 365. The MTX 365’s is designed to make the grip area of the gun larger and thus easier to shoot and the standard extension does not increase the amount of rounds within the magazine so you can remain compliant across all fifty states, including California. California is noteworthy because that state recently allowed certain SIG P365 models to be legally sold. Moreover, the California gun market is still one of the largest in the country and the SIG P365 series of slim carry pistols is a best seller today. The MTX 365 works only on standard SIG Sauer P365 10-round magazines and standard frames, which eliminates its compatiblity with the SIG Sauer P365 XL and P365 Macro series. For states and regions where magazine capacity limits are a not an issue, Xtech Tactical also offers a “Free State Adapter Kit” which adds three extra rounds of capacity to the magazine and extension.
From a mechanical standpoint, adding more real estate in the gun’s grip area can make these smaller guns which are already challenging enough to shoot a little less so. By extending the gun’s physical gripping area with the MTX 365 extension, the shooter can not only build a better firing but is also provided with more leverage against the muzzle flip and recoil from firing. This could increase control and accuracy which is extremely crucial, especially in the context of defensive gun use. A person defending themselves is still responsible for each bullet that exits their muzzle after all.
The MTX 365 sells for a retail price of $14.95 for a single unit, and the twin pack costs only an additional $10. Please visit xtechtactical.com to learn more about this product or other gear from XTech Tactical.