First Look: Hydra Marck-15 Hydra 10mm H21 PCC

A 10mm pistol caliber carbine that uses Glock magazines.

posted on January 9, 2025
Hydra 10Mm

Maine-based Hydra Weaponry has just unveiled a new PCC (pistol caliber carbine) chambered for the 10mm handgun round: the new Marck-15 Hydra 10mm H21.

Due to the popularity of Glock semi-automatic pistols, their magazines have become a favorite industry-wide standard for pistol-caliber carbine (PCC) platforms, but these are typically found in 9mm. Hydra Weaponry follows the same cue, but instead of 9mm Glock magazines, the new Marck-15 Hydra 10mm H21 lower receiver is designed to feed off Glock G20 and Glock G29 10mm pistol magazines. As a pistol-caliber carbine, the Marck-15 Hydra 10mm H21 uses a straight blowback action and given its 10mm chambering, this firearm could also be used as a hunting rifle for closer-ranged hunts, especially in locations where hunters can only use straight-wall cartridges due to safety considerations. 

“A modular concept rifle is the most cost-effective system to purchase when money is an issue, but you need multiple calibers to accomplish different tasks. That is why our Hydra MARCK-15 Modular Rifles offer the best in the field for quality and accuracy while being kind to your wallet. Now, with our sale in process, it’s the time to get your hands on a base model and as many conversions as possible,” said Mack Gwinn III, the CEO of Hydra Weaponry.

The 10mm cartridge dates to the early 1980s, with Norma of Sweden and the late Col. Jeff Cooper collaborating on its design. This centimeter-wide pistol cartridge was replaced in law enforcement circles in favor of the milder .40 S&W load. Over the past few years, the industry has caused a resurgence and newfound interest in the 10 mm round.

MSRP for the Marck-15 Hydra 10mm H21 varies from $1,400 to $1,538. Visit to learn more about the new Marck-15 Hydra 10mm H21 pistol caliber carbine.


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