The APX Carry is the latest gun in Beretta’s APX line of polymer-framed, striker-fired pistols. All of the guns in the APX line have distinct slide serrations and an integral trigger pack which allows you to easily change the appearance of your gun. Now, Galco, with its superb-quality American-made holsters, belts and accessories, is introducing a wide range of popular holsters for the Beretta APX, allowing you to change your holster as easy as you change the frame of your gun.
The holsters that Galco is now offering for the APX Carry cover a wide range of carry methods. For those of you who prefer outside-the-waistband carry, they have the popular Corvus, Switchback and hybrid TacSlide products. Galco is known for making high-quality inside-the-waistband designs which offer both comfort and concealment. Some of the products it is offering for the APX Carry include the bestselling KingTuk Classic and Deluxe series, along with the Paragon, Summer Comfort and the new QuickTuk Cloud. In addition to this, the company also offers budget-priced Carry Lite holsters for the APX Carry, including its Stow-N-Go and Tuck-N-Go 2.0 models. There is also the immensely popular new FasTrax PAC waistpack in all three color/material combinations.
Additionally, Galco has purse holsters and the versatile Underwraps 2.0 belly band for Beretta’s new pistol. If off-body carry is your thing, they have day planners which fit this gun, along with ammunition carriers so you can keep your pistol topped off and ready to go. Galco meets the demands of consumers and has holsters in every price range and multiple carry methods, and now its wide selection of gear is available to owners of the slim and compact Beretta APX Carry. For more information on holsters for the APX Carry or to see the rest of Galco’s products, please visit galcogunleather.com.