If you are in the market for a sling bag that offers high-quality construction, a lightweight design and a method of discreetly carrying a defensive handgun, take a look at the Smokescreen Concealed Carry Backpack from Elite Survival Systems (ESS). It offers all of these things and in a style that does not single you out as a gun owner.
The Smokescreen Concealed Carry Backpack has the appearance of a recreational sling bag that might hold college textbooks or your gear when heading off to a rec league sports team practice. Helping to keep the non-tactical look are four color options: black & gray, gray & orange, coyote & olive and indigo blue & brown. This gear is designed specifically to avoid a tactical aura.
But the bags are far more “tactical” than they appear. The sling bags are made of 420D nylon, which is a durable material that offers great performance for its featherlight weight. ESS designed the pack with a single strap and the ability to swap it for left- and right-handed carry. Segmented foam panels offer good airflow to the back and cushion the weight when carried.
The main compartment offers plenty of storage including a dedicated sleeve for a laptop computer. The backpack also includes zippered utility pockets, a soft-lined eyewear pocket, a secondary storage compartment and a carry handle. For concealed carry, there is a holster compartment that is accessible from both sides of the pack. This pass-through area will accommodate a range of pistol sizes.
Elite Survival Systems offers an up-armor option for the Smokescreen Concealed Carry Backpack. ESS offers an NIJ-certified Level IIIA soft armor panel for the backpack. This will provide a reasonable amount of ballistic protection from typical handgun projectiles such as 9mm, .45 ACP and .44 Magnum.
The Smokescreen Concealed Carry Backpack has a manufacturer-recommended retail price of $139.95. For additional information on this pack and other gear from ESS, visit the company’s website at elitesurvival.com.