Alps Outdoorz is known for making hunting packs and outdoor gear for extreme conditions. Their new new Ghost 20 pack is a continuation of their commitment to create innovative products for hunters, outdoor enthusiasts and every day carry. It is a hybrid pack suitable for use as either a backpack, briefcase or messenger bag, with a size that is slightly smaller than their original Ghost 30 pack.
The Ghost 20 is built to accommodate a laptop, books, documents and the other essentials of everyday work life. However, the heart of the Ghost 20 is an integrated back panel pocket that is intended to secure a handgun for people who choose to carry a defensive pistol. There is an ambidextrous, zippered pocket in the back panel that is lined with a material which works with common hook-and-loop style holsters, allowing the user to securely stow their defensive handgun discretely and within easy reach when needed. The main compartment panel of the bag is also lined with hook-and-loop material, which provide users with an alternative location for stowing a holstered gun or spare magazines.
The Ghost 20 is constructed of 500D nylon Cordura and has a PU coating, which makes it highly water-resistant. The built-in and adjustable shoulder straps of the Ghost 20 allow it to be worn as a backpack, while the sewn-in handles permit hand carry. A removable shoulder strap can be also used for over-the-shoulder or cross-body carry. Additional features include an organizational front panel pocket, large main compartment with a padded laptop/tablet sleeve sized to accommodate up to 16-inch laptops, side water bottle pockets, and a pass-through sleeve to attach to rolling luggage handles.
The Ghost 20 measures 19 inches high, 12.5 inches wide and 5.5 inches deep, weighs 2 pounds, 10 ounces and has a 1,220 cubic-inch capacity. MSRP on the Ghost 20 pack is $179.99. More information on this pack and other gear from Alps Outdoorz is available at alpsoutdoorz.com.