1791 Gunleather is releasing a new line of outside-the-waistband (OWB) duty size, compact and subcompact customizable leather holsters that feature its patented “Memory-Lok” technology. This allows users to fit virtually any pistol, light, or laser combination by simply and easily heating up the holster in a dry, water-tight bag submerged in warm water of 165 degrees Fahrenheit.
Warming up an Ultra Custom holster will soften up the Memory-Lok material so that the user’s given choice of pistol and accessory combination can be molded around the material before it hardens and cools again. This method gives you almost limitless chances to tweak your pistols and accessory combinations and your preferred level of retention. 1791 Gunleather includes a tool kit and detailed instructions on how to optimize the Ultra Custom Lightbearing holster to suit your specific needs.
Ultra Custom Lightbearing holsters are designed to fit the vast majority of pistol and accessory combinations available today. Customers simply need to ensure that the holster they’re ordering generally corresponds to the size of their handgun. 1791 Gunleather also designed the Ultra Custom Lightbearing holster with a low cut forward corner so as to not interfere with the slide mounted electronic red dot optical sights that are in common use today. Ultra Custom Lightbearing holsters also include a tall sweat shield to protect both the firearm and the wearer allowing comfortable every day carry wear. Soft cowhide lines the front facing part of the holster and a more resilient piece of steerhide bolsters the rear part of the Ultra Custom Lightbearing holster.
For anyone that’s interested in acquiring this holster for their personal every day carry and self defense needs, the 1791Gunleather website at 1791gunleather.com features instructional videos on the holster molding and set up process as well as other information on the Memory-Lok system.