1791 Gunleather is releasing a new line of Paddle Optic Ready Holsters. This new holster line provides the same great retention and fit you’ve come to expect from 1791 Gunleather holsters, along with a paddle mount for excellent day to day functionality.
Unlike belt loop holsters, which require you to thread your holster into your belt, the Paddle Optic Ready allows you to slip the holster on and off at a moment’s notice, with no sacrifice in retention or comfort. As a result, running errands and other everyday tasks is easier on you and your gun, and switching out your everyday carry gun for your range pistol is even faster. The paddle positions the holster tight to the body and ensures that there is no movement on your waist as you go about your day. Made to mirror its Belt Holster line-up, this new line of OR holsters works with every firearm as the 1791 Gunleather’s BH line, while adding the cutout that’s necessary to carry most types of optics.
In addition to this, this new line of holsters is equipped with a sweat guard that stands in between your firearm and your body and helps protect the controls on your gun, such as manual safeties and de-cockers, from accidental activation. The holster also includes an adjustable cant, allowing you to dial in your perfect drawing angle and personalize your holster to your gun and your carry style.
Paddle Optic Ready Holster Features:
- Paddle for easy on and off
- Adjustable cant
- Optic Cut
- Leather sweat guard
- Comfortable all-day carry
- Multi-Fit design
The new 1791 Gunleather Paddle Optic Ready Holster comes in a wide range of styles and is available in three premium colors including Signature Brown, Classic Brown and Stealth Black. MSRP for the Paddle Optic Ready Holster is $64.99, and more information is available at 1791gunleather.com.