The Fibonacci sequence is a mathematical series of numbers in which each progressively larger number is the sum of the two that precede it. These numerical patterns are found throughout nature, used in stock market analysis and can now benefit your range time. This simple math concept is a critical part of understanding the world around us. For training purposes, it is a useful tool in understanding where we are in skills development. The Firing Fibonacci exercise is based on the Fibonacci Sequence (0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8 … ) to create our shot pattern and facilitate a range of tasks and shot patterns broken down into five stages. Firing Fibonacci is a memory exercise combined with drills covering malfunction clearing, reloads and slow and rapid fire.
Regarding targets, you’ll need three B-8s aligned vertically on a target backer. The distance for this drill will be 5 yards. For ammunition, you will need a total of three magazines: one loaded with a single round, one loaded with 11 rounds and one loaded with eight rounds. Make ready by closing your slide on an empty chamber, insert the magazine with one round into the gun and holster the pistol.
Here’s the Drill:
Stage 1: Top Bullseye
Draw or present from compressed ready at the top target and press the trigger on the empty chamber, then tap, rack and fire one round, bringing your pistol to slide lock. Reload with the 11-rounder and fire one round. This starts off the sequence with zero, one and one rounds fired.
Stage 2: Middle Bullseye
Draw or present from compressed ready at the middle bullseye and fire two rounds in rapid succession. Then, holster or rest at compressed ready.
Stage 3: Bottom Target
Draw or present from compressed ready at the bottom target and fire three, carefully aimed precision-based shots. Then, holster or rest at compressed ready.
Stage 4: Middle Target
Draw or present from compressed ready at the middle target and fire five rounds, before performing a tactical reload. Then, holster or rest at compressed ready.
Stage 5: Top Target
Draw or present from compressed ready at the top target and fire eight rounds rapidly. Finally, unload, confirm the firearm is clear and
place it on the bench.
Did you shoot it clean? Add a shot timer into each stage to establish and then beat your personal par time.