Faxon Firearms, manufacturer of the ARAK platform, announces the addition of the ambidextrous dual-ejection window ARAK-21 upper receiver to its family of ARAK products.
Historically, the ARAK-21 has always been left-hand shooter friendly, but required customers to choose from a right or left-hand ejection receiver. The latest introduction allows shooters to choose their ejection side in the field, by swapping the bolt during normal field-stripping 180-degrees.
"At first glance, this is a boon to just left-handed shooters," says Bob Faxon, President and Founder of Faxon Firearms. "But, it also has tangible benefits to right-handed shooters. During routing weapons manipulation, the dual window allows shooters to see into the chamber without having to take the firearm out of the shoulder and rotate. Press-checks, diagnosis, etc. are all faster with dual ejection windows."
The dual-ejection window receiver models will be available with optional covers for shooters would prefer to keep either opening closed. The covers will be available in matching colors, black anodizing, FDE Cerakote, and OD Cerakote.
The ARAK-21 Ambidextrous Ejection Window is available for order now. There is no additional charge for the dual ejection window. The ambi window receiver replaced the option for left-hand only ejection. Lead time for ARAK receivers is currently 3-4 weeks. Covers will be available in 6-8 weeks.