In an armed robbery or a home invasion, it's likely that criminals will burst upon the scene with a weapon already in-hand. They are expecting compliance and have a ready tool to quickly overcome any resistance they might encounter. Obviously, if they are looking at you, with a gun already in hand, your chances of drawing your defensive handgun and neutralizing the threat they pose are pretty slim. What you need is a diversion.
In truth, the number of useful diversions are limited only by your imagination. This might be a good time to fake a heart attack and fall writhing to the floor–while making your draw. You might knock over the side table next to the easy chair you are sitting in, letting stuff crash loudly to the floor. You might drop the newspaper you are reading across our lap, covering your gun hand and your draw stroke. When you think about it, numerous examples will occur to you.
Your spouse or business partner can also be the source of a diversion. If someone screams loudly in fright, there's a real good chance that the crook will look their way, giving you the time you need. This other person might also knock something crashing to the floor. The idea is to make noise and divert the crook’s attention. Say someone to the side screams, “DON’T SHOOT! WE’LL DO WHAT YOU SAY!” That may be just the amount of time and diversion you need to put your personal-defense plan into operation.
In a recent armed robbery, the store owner–who was armed–threw up his hands in the universal sign of surrender. His business partner, standing behind him, reached and drew the owner’s gun from his belt, stepped around the owner and took care of business. It was a move that they had planned.
It is important to remember that such crook-defeating plans are probably not something you are going to come up with if you wait until a gun is in your face to consider them. Whether at home or at work, you need to discuss these options with everyone involved. Make a plan. Make several plans. Use your imagination, and use your head.
Make a plan to create diversions and know exactly what you are going to do when that diversion causes the crook to look away. It could very well save your life.