One of the many savvy moves Smith & Wesson made when they rolled out the new M&P22 Compact was contacting major accessory suppliers ahead of the launch to arrange for lights, lasers, holsters and the like to be ready upon product release.
The DeSantis Inside Heat Holster for the Smith & Wesson M&P22 Compact is one such holster. Designed for the new Smith, the Inside Heat is an inside-the-waistband holster designed for the long haul. Thick leather surrounds the firearm, while stout stitching holds everything together. A strong metal clip keeps the holster secured, yet can be removed quickly if needed.
When choosing a training firearm like the M&P22 Compact, obviously the desire is to have a rimfire version of a carry gun that faithfully replicates the centerfire's mannerisms. This should extend to how the firearm is carried and how one trains with it, so having a holster for the training firearm that matches the holster for normal carry makes plain good sense.
MSRP: $34.99, available for right- or left-handed shooters.