Shooting Illustrated contributor Bryce Towsley has received the prestigious Bill McRae Lifetime Achievement Award for 2018. The honors were presented by Bushnell during the 2018 NRA Annual Meetings in Dallas, TX.
“Bushnell established this award to honor Bill McRae, who did more to advance our understanding of optics and how they can benefit hunters and shooters than any other writer before him,” said Jacob Edson, public relations manager for Bushnell. “Bryce epitomizes these contributions. He not only entertains, but teaches millions of hunters and shooters.”
Towsley is an active 3-gun and USPSA shooter, has hunted across the globe, and companies throughout the shooting industry have used his knowledge in a variety of consulting roles. His technical expertise on firearms, gunsmithing, reloading and optics have been shared in thousands of articles and photos in nearly every major outdoor and firearm outlet.
In 1997, his first book, “Big Bucks the Benoit Way,” was published, and it’s been followed by another 10 since. Towsley’s “Gunsmithing Modern Firearms” comes off Skyhorse publishing presses in November 2018.
“His ability to educate his readers as well as pull them into his adventures is what really sets him apart, while he has continually stayed ahead of the game as the technology and sport have evolved,” Edson said. “Throughout his career, he has honed a skill for storytelling that has, beyond a doubt, made a profound impact in this industry.”
Towsley, a Life Member of the NRA, started writing in 1980 and by 1993, it had turned into a full-time career. He’s a regular here on, and some of his recent work is seen in reviews of the Browning X-Bolt Target McMillan A3-5 and Century Arms RAS-47 Magpul. He shared a lot of his expertise recently in Tactical vs. Practical: Use the Gun You Know. For a better look at his work, visit his website.