AMMO, Inc., the owner of GunBroker.com—the largest online marketplace serving the firearms and shooting sports industries—and producer of ammunition and components, has announced its board of directors has unanimously approved a plan to separate its ammunition and marketplace businesses into two independent publicly traded companies.
Outdoor Online will be comprised of GunBroker.com and its related online businesses. Current AMMO Chairman & CEO Fred Wagenhals will assume the chairman & CEO role at Outdoor Online.
The second entity, Action Outdoor Sports, (AOS) will retain the company’s current ammunition and munition components business, including its Streak, Signature, Blackline, stelTH, Blueline, AMMO Brass and Hunt Ammunition brands. The AOS CEO, executive management team and board of directors will be announced at a later date, before transaction completion, which is anticipated to close during the 2023 calendar year. The company expects to create these companies through a tax-free spin-off by AMMO of AOS.
“AMMO’s management team and board completed a detailed analysis and assessment of our operations, business units and growth opportunities, all with the singular goal of unlocking and enhancing shareholder value,” Wagenhals said. “With the supportive analysis of our trusted advisory teams, we determined that a spin-off of our ammunition/munition components business would best serve to unlock significant shareholder value.”
AMMO made an offer to purchase GunBroker.com, its suite of subsidiaries and its online marketplace, for $240 million in February of 2021. The acquisition was complete by April of that year.
“Our entire team remains singularly focused and committed to working collectively through this transformational process to best position each company with the right team members and full panoply of resources to deliver exceptional products, innovation, and an overall enhanced experience for the outdoor sporting and shooting enthusiast that ultimately creates even more value for our loyal shareholders,” Wagenhals said.