Most Glock owners are perfectly happy with the factory sights—the Glock box rear and white dot front (sometimes referred to as "bucket-and-ball")—but some folks like to improve their guns with a variety of aftermarket sights. The reason vary, from wanting a more conventional 3-dot system to adding night sights or fiber optics. Whatever the reason, sight makers have capitalized on all the demand for aftermarket Glock sights. Here are a few we thinks are worth a look. Note: These sights are for full-size Glock frames, such as the G17 and G19.
Ameriglo GL-680
Ameriglo starts off the list with their set of blacked out rears with a Tritium dot from that slide right into the existing Glock dovetail slots that sit atop the slide. The rear sight features the squared off front face favored by those who like the option of a boot, belt, or table slide rack. These sights fit the MOS slide and are tall enough to cowitness with lower profile red dots, a popular addition to many handguns nowadays. MSRP: $80.
XS Sight Systems DXT2 Big Dot Night Sights
The XS Sight Systems DXT2 Big Dot Night Sights uses a proprietary photoluminescent glow dot front sight that absorbs ambient light and glows in low light. The convex shape also enhances light capture. Proper sight alignment comes from lining up the front orange or green dot (your choice) in the rear sight notch, doubled-checked by the green slit that forms an upside down exclamation point. Not a big fan of Tritium rears? Pick the non-Tritium rear that just has a notch. MSRP: $138.
Trijicon HD Night Sights - Glock Standard Frames
The Trijicon HD Night Sights feature a bladed front sight with a gigantic orange/red ring encircling a Tritium green glowing dot with a glare-reducing serrated blacked out rear dovetail-mounted sight that overlaps the back of the slide to bring the rears about a half inch closer to the shooter and stretch the sight radius. The Tritium in the rear sight is also green. Note: These sights do not fit the Glock MOS slide. MSRP: $170.
MEPRO TRU-DOT Self-Illuminated Fixed Pistol Sight
A long-term NATO partner, MEPRO has provided military and law enforcement with sights for decades. Their TRU-DOT Self-Illuminated Fixed Pistol Sight are available in either regular height or suppressor height and feature three green self-lighting dots that glow brightly in any lighting conditions. These sights come with a 12-year warranty, which is about as long as Tritium typically glows. They also feature the flat face for easy racking. MSRP: $119.99.
HIVIZ Target Sight Set for Glock
If you’re not a fan of dayglow sights but still want something different for your Glock, consider the HIVIZ Target Sight Set for Glock, featuring fiber optic illumination, available in green, red, black, and white Litepipes, HIVIZ’s propriatery fiber formula. Unlike dayglow sights, fiber works by capturing ambient light to create the glow, so it’s not a true lowlight remedy, but fiber optic sights glow great in good light, improving sight picture. Because fiber optics never lose their ability to harness light, they come with a lifetime warranty. MSRP: $92.83.
Night Fision Tritium Night Sights for Glock
Night Fision claims these are the brightest night sights on the market. We can’t verify that claim, but these Tritium sights will certainly do the trick in lowlight conditions, helping you put sights on target. Featuring Black Nitride coating used to improve wear and corrosion resistance, the Night Fision sights are designed to be as tough as the Glock they are attached to. They are available with either a square or U-shaped rear notch and a choice of seven front sight colors to suit a variety of personal preferences. MSRP: $48 to $119 depending upon choices.