When we run guides in print—as we did in our October issue with products for sheltering in place or bugging out during a disaster—we have one major constraint: space. There are only so many pages in the magazine, and while we could write long-form articles about a portable toilet, we work on the assumption our readers would be more interested in a quick read about such a product, with longer pieces dedicated to guns and tactics. Our goal is to let you know what's out there, provide some quick info about a bunch of different products and do so in a small, well-designed space.
Are we correct in our assumptions and is our goal worthwhile? Are a bunch of short blurbs along with cost and a manufacturer's website url enough information for your needs? Would you prefer to read longer reviews and tips for using products—like survival gear, gifts and other non-gun items—we cover in this format, or do our guides provide a good starting point for your research? Keep in mind the space constraints and that longer reviews of water-purification tablets, sleeping bags and the like will result in fewer pages to cover guns and self-defense tactics.
Let us know!