However, for an added fee, those who plan to attend the NRA Carry Guard Expo will also be able to take part in specially developed workshops designed to enhance self-defense and general preparedness skills. Elite instructors from across the nation are coming together to offer an unprecedented number of high-quality, limited-access training events, making this the self-defense education opportunity of the year. In particular, here are seven workshops you won't want to miss:
1. Edged Weapons for Everyday Carry: A Comprehensive, Hands-On Study (Presented by Tom Kier)
Sept. 14-16, 2018 | Friday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. | Saturday, 2 p.m.-6 p.m. | Sunday, 1 p.m.-5 p.m. | GRCC Room E23AB
This workshop is a hands-on approach to the use and avoidance of combative edged weapons and how edged weapons can dovetail into your personal combative skill sets. Explore the concepts of edged weapon anatomy and the dangers of facing edged weapons, plus carry concepts, template work, understanding the physiological response and effects of edged weapons and finally integrated combatives. The course will answer certain questions and physically train the solutions.
Special note: This course consists of light physical and hands-on activity. Participants must be 18 years or older. Participation is not advised for anyone who is pregnant or has an existing heart or other medical condition that may be affected by the physical activity.
2. Multi-State Concealed-Carry Permit Course—Carry in up to 38 states! (Presented by Charlie Padula)
Sept. 14-16, 2018 | Friday, 1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. | Saturday and Sunday, 9 a.m.-1 p.m. | GRCC Room E25A
This course will encompass the entire process from beginning to end for obtaining the Utah Carry Permit, as well as the VA Non-Resident or Resident permit. This will include completion of the applications for both Utah and Virginia and the required course instruction. Unlike some courses, this one includes both the fingerprinting process and passport photos! No need to hassle with trying to take care of these items afterward. Instruction will cover firearm familiarization and nomenclature of the firearm, Utah Law, the reciprocal agreements that Utah and Virginia currently have within the United States, as well as interstate travel and pertinent travel laws.
Please note: Students must be 21 or over. This course does not include the State Application Fee for Utah or Virginia. You will leave the course with all paperwork completed to mail in the application and payment for each state. Utah & Virginia Permits are valid for 5 years before a renewal is needed.
3. Bullet-Proof Mind for the Armed Citizen (Presented by Lt. Col. Dave Grossman)
Sept. 14-16, 2018 | Friday–Sunday, 2 p.m.-6 p.m. | GRCC Room E24AB
Lt. Col. Dave Grossman, co-author of Glenn Beck’s book “Control: Exposing the Truth About Guns,” and author of the book “On Combat” and several others, gives his special presentation on mental and physical preparedness for the armed citizen. Grossman will speak about your role as an armed American citizen in the future challenges to our nation.
Hear about the potential threats, internal or external, and the response to those threats as intended by our Founding Fathers. Grossman will also discuss how to prevent PTSD and be physically and emotionally triumphant after an armed encounter.
4. Dynamics of Personal Defense (Presented by Steve Tarani)
Sept. 14, 2018 | Friday, 2 p.m.-4 p.m. | GRCC Room E23AB
In this light physical activity, hands-on learning workshop, Shooting Illustrated Contributor Steve Tarani teaches three critical components needed to control any physical altercation, how to immediately gain the tactical advantage against single or multiple attackers, whether you’re armed or unarmed, and how to get yourself and your loved ones out of harm’s way and to safety unharmed.
5. Refuse To Be A Victim Basic Workshop (Presented by Ed O'Carroll)
Sept. 14-16, 2018 | Friday–Saturday, 2 p.m.-6 p.m. | GRCC Room E22A
In this 4 hour intensive workshop, learn personal safety tips and techniques needed to avoid dangerous situations and prevent becoming a victim of crime. The single most important step toward ensuring your own safety is having a personal safety strategy in place before you need it, and this course covers a variety of topics to help you create one for many areas and aspects of life. From home, travel and automobile security to self-defense training, personal defense devices and criminal psychology, you’ll arm yourself with knowledge to ensure that you can Refuse To Be A Victim.
6. Brazilian Jiu Jitsu Techniques with MMA Legend Frank Mir
Sept. 15, 2018 | Saturday, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. | GRCC Room E23AB
Learn first-hand self-defense techniques from Mixed Martial Arts (MMA) legend Frank Mir in this hands-on, two-hour training session. This course will focus on entry level Brazilian Jiu Jitsu fighting with an emphasis on submissions and joint manipulation. In addition, Frank will conduct an autograph signing and photo opportunity session from 1:00pm -2:30pm on Saturday afternoon that will be open to anyone who has purchased a ticket to the Expo.
Please note: This course consists of light physical and hands-on activity. Participants must be 18 years or older. Participation is not advised for anyone who is pregnant or has an existing heart or other medical condition that may be affected by the physical activity.
7. First Care Provider: When Seconds Count (Presented by Kris Sacra)
Sept. 14-16, 2018 | Friday and Saturday, 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. | Sunday, 1:30 p.m.-5:30 p.m. | GRCC Room E25A
Situations involving acts of mass violence have become a common occurrence in today’s society. These events occur quickly and without warning. This course provides comprehensive training to individuals interested in learning how to better prepare and react to these types of events. The First Care Provider represents the first link in the trauma chain of survival from point of wounding through definitive care.
As one of the only Department of Homeland Security recognized Stop The Bleed programs, First Care Provider trains and certifies citizens to perform life-saving interventions to the wounded that if not performed quickly, could lead to certain death. When tragedy strikes and seconds count, learn to save a life. Become a First Care Provider.