1 | Hawke Tilt Bipod
This 9- to 13-inch tilting bipod features spring-loaded, adjustable legs and easily mounts to a sling swivel. Built from high-grade aluminum and anodized, it is a solid, relatively inexpensive option for a stable-shooting platform. $83; us.hawkeoptics.com
2 | TruGlo TFX Pro Handgun Sights
Compatible with most popular handgun models, TFX Pro sights provide visibility in all shooting conditions as well as glow in the dark. A U-notch rear sight design also allows for quick acquisition. $178.99; truglo.com
3 | McMillian Mc3 Tactical Legend Stock
Give the gift of a rifle upgrade. Constructed of a glass-filled, proprietary polymer and tipping the scales at a svelte 61 ounces, McMillian’s new line of stocks is designed to fit all Remington 700 actions and sports aluminum pillars bedded in during the molding process. The end is topped off with a 1-inch Pach- mayr Decelerator recoil pad. $289; mc3stocks.com
4 | MagFix S&W Shield Magazine Extension
You love your Smith & Wesson Shield, but don’t like how the 8-round magazine pinches your finger? Add the Safety Solutions Academy MagFix to the magazine and eliminate that sore spot. Designed by shooters as a finger-friendly, well, fix, it’s a quick replacement that greatly improves the pistol’s ergonomics. $24.95 safetysolutionsacademy.com
5 | Carver Custom Uncaptured Tungsten Guide Rod Assembly for Glock Gen4 G19
Recoil Sensitive? No problem. Carver Custom’s extensive line of tungsten guide rods offers a simple and affordable means to tame your Glock. Both a Wolff recoil spring and Gen4 bushing are also included. $85.99; carvercustom.com
6 | GSG Ruger 10/22 110-Round Rotary Drum Magazine
Built in Germany and fabricated from polymer, the GSG magazine brings tremendous firepower to Ruger’s seemingly ubiquitous semi-automatic rimfire. The reliable magazine features a loading lever and high-tensile internal springs. It also fits the Ruger 77/22 and 96/22. Finally, you can shoot virtually to your heart’s content without having to stop to reload. $49.99; gunmagwarehouse.com
7 | SOB Tactical MFQD B-Sling
The latest version of the popular B-Sling sports a Motion-Free, Quick-Detach front swivel that eliminates excessive movement common to many QD-sling swivels. A push-pull lanyard enables instant adjustment, and it is available in five color options. $60; sobtacticalshop.com
8 | Wilson Combat TTU AR Trigger
Featuring components that are either CNC machined and/or EDM cut from solid bar stock for enhanced durability, the TTU offers drop-in modularity in an AR trigger that provides a crisp 4-pound pull without fine-tuning or adjustment. $189.95; wilsoncombat.com
9 | DuraMag Speed 5.56 NATO/300 BLK Magazine
Lightweight and durable, these AR-15-style aluminum magazines will match perfect with your next rifle build. They have a 30-round capacity and come anodized in red or bronze. $14.20; dura-mag.com
10 | Eagle Grips Kirinite Grips
The company originally known for premium natural materials now also boasts Kirinite, an attractive, non-slippery synthetic in a host of colors to enhance many popular handguns. Moreover, each set of durable Kirinite grips is well-figured and unique. $79.95; eaglegrips.com