There are places and times when you can’t carry a firearm, and there are people who want to protect themselves but, for various reasons, cannot carry a firearm or are uncomfortable with the idea of carrying a gun. A new solution for those people from this year’s SHOT Show is the PepperBall TCP, a compact, pistol-size, less-lethal launcher for the PepperBall projectiles in use by many different law-enforcement and military agencies all over the world.
The new PepperBall TCP launcher is 7.5 inches in length and weighs around 21 ounces, with a 6-round magazine. The launcher is capable of firing the standard PepperBall round which holds 2.5 grams of 0.5% capsaicin agent, and it can also fire the extended-range VXR projectile, which hold 0.25% capsaicin agent. The standard round projectiles are accurate out to 60 feet, and the extended-range VXR projectiles can be used for direct impact up to 150 feet away.
Designed to be a versatile option for personal defense situations and law enforcement or military/tactical applications, the launcher uses either CO2 or nitrogen cartridges as a power source, making it useful even in extremely cold weather conditions. Accurate out to fifty yards with standard projectiles, the TCP launcher also includes a short undermounted length of Picatinny rail so you can mount a light or laser on the launcher.
The PepperBall TCP Compact Launcher builds on the success of the company's earlier LifeLite launcher, which combined a flashlight with a potent, less-lethal launching device for the company's capsaicin-laced projectiles. The new launcher provides the intuitive aiming properties of a handgun with the less-lethal capabilities of PepperBall's less-lethal system.
MSRP for the TCP Compact Launcher Consumer Kit is $399.99, and it includes the launcher, two universal magazines which feed both the standard pepperball round or the long-distance VXR projectiles, and also includes a hard case. More information on the new TCP launcher can be found at pepperball.com.